
Dictionary definitions on Arabic Almanac

Appears 118 times in the Quran.

  1. And some of them shall advance towards others questioning each other.

  2. Or do you ask them for a reward, so that they are overburdened by a debt?

  3. All those who are in the heavens and the earth ask of Him; every moment He is in a state (of glory).

  4. So on that day neither man nor jinni shall be asked about his sin.

  5. O you who believe! when believing women come to you flying, then examine them; Allah knows best their faith; then if you find them to be believing women, do not send them back to the unbelievers, neither are these (women) lawful for them, nor are those (men) lawful for them, and give them what they have spent; and no blame attaches to you in marrying them when you give them their dowries; and hold not to the ties of marriage of unbelieving women, and ask for what you have spent, and kt them ask for what they have spent. That is Allah's judgment; He judges between you, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

  6. Almost bursting for fury. Whenever a group is cast into it, its keeper shall ask them: Did there not come to you a warner?

  7. Ask them which of them will vouch for that,

  8. Or do you ask from them a reward, so that they are burdened with debt?

  9. One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall

  10. And friend shall not ask of friend

  11. For him who begs and for him who is denied (good)

  12. In gardens, they shall ask each other

  13. He asks: When is the day of resurrection?

  14. Of what do they ask one another?

  15. They ask you about the hour, when it will come.

  16. And when the female infant buried alive is asked

  17. And as for him who asks, do not chide (him),

  18. Then on that day you shall most certainly be questioned about the boons.