5 ayahs containing: غير + اتي + راي

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 غير   اتي   راي 

  1. Say: Tell me if the chastisement of Allah should overtake you or the hour should come upon you, will you call (on others) besides Allah, if you are truthful?

  2. Say: Have you considered that if Allah takes away your hearing and your sight and sets a seal on your hearts, who is the god besides Allah that can bring it to you? See how We repeat the communications, yet they turn away.

  3. He said: O my people! tell me if I have clear proof from my Lord and He has granted to me mercy from Himself-- who will then help me against Allah if I disobey Him? Therefore you do not add to me other than loss:

  4. Say: Tell me, if Allah were to make the night to continue incessantly on you till the day of resurrection, who is the god besides Allah that could bring you light? Do you not then hear?

  5. Say: Tell me, if Allah were to make the day to continue incessantly on you till the day of resurrection, who is the god besides Allah that could bring you the night in which you take rest? Do you not then see?