
Appears 25 times in the Quran. (Root: نبا)
  1. This is of the announcements relating to the unseen which We reveal to you; and you were not with them when they cast their pens (to decide) which of them should have Marium in his charge, and you were not with them when they contended one with another.

  2. And relate to them the story of the two sons of Adam with truth when they both offered an offering, but it was accepted from one of them and was not accepted from the other. He said: I I will most certainly slay you. (The other) said: Allah only accepts from those who guard (against evil).

  3. So they have indeed rejected the truth when it came to them; therefore the truth of what they mocked at will shine upon them.

  4. And certainly messengers before you were rejected, but they were patient on being rejected and persecuted until Our help came to them; and there is none to change the words of Allah, and certainly there has come to you some information about the messengers.

  5. For every prophecy is a term, and you will come to know (it).

  6. And recite to them the narrative of him to whom We give Our communications, but he withdraws himself from them, so the Shaitan overtakes him, so he is of those who go astray.

  7. Has not the news of those before them come to them; of the people of Nuh and Ad and Samood, and the people of Ibrahim and the dwellers of Madyan and the overthrown cities; their messengers came to them with clear arguments; so it was not Allah Who should do them injustice, but they were unjust to themselves.

  8. And recite to them the story of Nuh when he said to his people: O my people! if my stay and my reminding (you) by the communications of Allah is hard on you-- yet on Allah do I rely-- then resolve upon your affair and (gather) your associates, then let not your affair remain dubious to you, then have it executed against me and give me no respite:

  9. These are announcements relating to the unseen which We reveal to you, you did not know them-- (neither) you nor your people-- before this; therefore be patient; surely the end is for those who guard (against evil).

  10. This is an account of (the fate of) the towns which We relate to you; of them are some that stand and (others) mown down.

  11. And all we relate to you of the accounts of the messengers is to strengthen your heart therewith; and in this has come to you the truth and an admonition, and a reminder to the believers.

  12. This is of the announcements relating to the unseen (which) We reveal to you, and you were not with them when they resolved upon their affair, and they were devising plans.

  13. Has not the account reached you of those before you, of the people of Nuh and Ad and Samood, and those after them? None knows them but Allah. Their messengers come to them with clear arguments, but they thrust their hands into their mouths and said: Surely we deny that with which you are sent, and most surely we are in serious doubt as to that to which you invite us.

  14. Thus do We relate to you (some) of the news of what has gone before; and indeed We have given to you a Reminder from Ourselves.

  15. So they have indeed rejected (the truth), therefore the news of that which they mock shall soon come to them.

  16. And recite to them the story of Ibrahim.

  17. And he tarried not long, then said: I comprehend that which you do not comprehend and I have brought to you a sure information from Sheba.

  18. We recite to you from the account of Musa and Firon with truth for people who believe.

  19. Then the pleas shall become obscure to them on that day, so they shall not ask each other.

  20. And has there come to you the story of the litigants, when they made an entry into the private chamber by ascending over the walls?

  21. Say: It is a message of importance,

  22. O you who believe! if an evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what you have done.

  23. And certainly some narratives have come to them wherein is prevention--

  24. Has there not come to you the story of those who disbelieved before, then tasted the evil result of their conduct, and they had a painful punishment?

  25. About the great event,