
Appears 3 times in the Quran. (Root: خوف)
  1. And who is more unjust than he who prevents (men) from the masjids of Allah, that His name should be remembered in them, and strives to ruin them? (As for) these, it was not proper for them that they should have entered them except in fear; they shall meet with disgrace in this world, and they shall have great chastisement in the hereafter.

  2. And he was in the city, fearing, awaiting, when lo! he who had asked his assistance the day before was crying out to him for aid. Musa said to him: You are most surely one erring manifestly.

  3. So he went forth therefrom, fearing, awaiting, (and) he said: My Lord! deliver me from the unjust people.